
Devil Girl

Quick sketch of a little girl devil I had floating around in my head today.


Comic-Con Part Deux

A couple more sketches of random costumes I saw while at Comic-con. Did anybody else see King Lollipop? Is that a real character?? Like the King of Candyland or something??


Comic-Con 2009

Well, I had a blast at SDCC! Did a bit of quick sketching this year...I just HAD to remember some of the weirder incomprehensible costumes. These are just a taste...more to come!


More feesh!

Here's a couple more paintings...I won't post anything else 'till we get back from the Con. Hope to see y'all there!



As I'm packing up for Comic-con, I thought I'd do a quick post of a couple of digital fish paintings I made for our wedding reception. These were the table cards for each dining table (there were 10 total)-- we chose Hawaiian fish as our theme because we both love to snorkel. Enjoy!


Museum Sketch Crawl

It felt SO good to get back into museum sketching this weekend. Amanda, Mike and I made the trek to LACMA to see what new and old goodies they had in store. Pretty productive day!